Free AMA Citation Generator

If you are on this page, you are probably searching for an ama citation format generator or a way to master the style easier. But every successful approach starts with the definition. That is why let us dedicate a few brief paragraphs to the style and then proceed with discussing in-text citation ama offers.

AMA stands for the American Medical Association manual of style. It is written by the Journal of the American Medical Association editors and is introduced by Oxford University Press. This manual indicates the principles of writing, citing, and editing texts that are published by the association. For the first time, it was published back in 1962 and the latest 11th edition went public in 2020. 

This style is used not only by the association but also by lots of medical, healthcare, and nursing journals both in academia and textbooks. AMA is a commonly used style either in full or as a blend of several approaches. For referencing sources in AMA, you will need references and citations. Reference is placed in the list of references, while citation directly in the text. These two elements are linked with a number which defines their appearance in the document.

Nowadays, students, researchers, and scientists are too busy to remember peculiarities of every style. That is why they are searching for an ama in-text citation generator that would simplify their lives. If you are one of them, be sure that you are in the right place.

With our citation generator ama becomes an easy style and your text is always smooth and properly references. Go on reading to find out its main peculiarities!

AMA In-Text Citation Generator: Main Features of the Style

Once you use an ama in-text citation generator, you will see that to create a reference you should simply insert a superscript number in the place where you want to use the source. There are two most common scenarios: to use a citation when quoting or at the end of a particular sentence. The main requirement when applying ama citation in-text is to organize the numbers in a chronological order across the text.

These numbers give the readers an opportunity to find all information about a reference at the end of the text. That is why you should always indicate the citation number in order of its appearance.  Another thing you might notice when utilizing an ama style citation generator is that different sources require different information. That is why there are various formats when citing a book, website, and journal. 

Sounds too difficult? Don’t worry, with the help of our ama citation maker you can reference the source in a matter of seconds. Just insert the link and our software will do everything instead of you. We guarantee outstanding speed, correctness, and full anonymity. Our program was created considering all the rules and requirements of AMA (and other styles). That is why you shouldn’t worry about making mistakes or missing anything out. We stay on guard of your perfect performance and help you succeed!

Why do you need to use the AMA cite style?

Writing any academic paper, especially a scientific one (the research paper, the term paper, the thesis, etc.), you use various sources to get data. It goes about books, journals, online databases, archives, and even images and social media. Everything these days can be considered a source.

And you should give credit to your sources. The information you use is the accomplishment of other people over time. If they have influenced you, you should mention this in your paper. Firstly, it is just respectful. Secondly, you provide your readers with concrete instructions where they can read about the subject in more detail. And, of course, it is an essential academic requirement. You can’t skip it if you don’t want your paper to be convicted of plagiarism.

AMA Citation Generator – How to Use It With Different Data

Now, when you know how to benefit from an AMA in-text citation generator and what this style stands for, let us provide you with examples of its usage. You just need to rewrite everything using your own information. And if you feel tired or lost, upload the link to our ama citation generator and get a result instantly!

Here are the main things to remember: 

  • Every reference is divided into groups using a period. Within every group you can use colons, semi-colons, and commas
  • Start with the author’s surnames and follow them with initials. No periods needed. Keep capitalizations, particles, and prefixes of surnames
  • The original title should also be retained. This concerns spelling, style, and abbreviations. However, there’s one exception: if the title starts with a year (for example, 1998), you should spell it out
  • When citing journals, you should use their NML abbreviations.

Printed journal articles

Author (or several authors). Title. Journal. Publication Year; Issue: Page number

Smith J. Covid-19 and its long-term consequences. Neuroscience. 2020(7):137-148

Online journal articles

Author (or several authors). Title. Journal. Year; Issue: Page number. URL. Date of publication. Updated. Accessed.

Smith J, Williams A. Can we protect ourselves from biological terrorism? Our future. 2016(2):78-83. Accessed August 11, 2017.

Printed book chapter

Author of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: Book’s author/editor. Title of the book. Volume and number. Edition’s number (if first, don’t indicate it). Publication place: Publisher’s title; Year: Pages

Jefferson K. Seasonal allergy: how to treat reactions correctly. In: Wilde S. Allergies of the 20th century. 2nd edition. Columbia: Columbia Publishing; 2014:14-17

Printed book

Author or editor. Book title. Volume and name. The number of edition (if first, don’t indicate it). Publication place: Publisher’s name; Year.

Adkins V, Stephens S. Our intestine. 4th edition. New York, NY: Penguin; 2009.


Author. Title of the cited item. Website’s name. URL. Date of publication.  Published/Updated/Accessed date.

The Solely Researcher. Infectious Diseases in South America. Accessed November 25, 2020.


Inventor (or several inventors); Company. Title. A number of the patent. Date of the patent

Lee S, Crawley A. Oxylife Inc. The impact of clean food and healthy eating on the quality of lifeUS patent 7,094,334. March 09, 2015.

When using our ama citation generator free formatting becomes a reality. You only need to insert the data into the text and reference list and hand the text to the association or another target medium. We guarantee accurate and speedy results.

AMA bibliography

Create a reference list (Don’t title it as bibliography; only ‘References’ is accepted) at the end of your paper. It is intended to provide your readers with full citations. Take care of the numerical order to be the same as in the overall text. 

The reason why our citation generator AMAis so popular is that students simply can’t remember all the details. For example, you should always include the surname, the first and middle initial of the writers without punctuation. If you need to separate two and more authors in a single group, you may use a comma. (For example, Smith B, Anderson W). 

The next thing you should know is that it is important to divide each of your references into bibliographical groups with periods. Each group should contain elements separated with:

  • Comma: if you need to separate closely related items, such as writers’ names.
  • Semicolon. If elements are different. You may use a semicolon between the publisher and the year. 
  • Colon. Once you’ve provided a connective phrase, add a colon between title and subtitle and before the publisher.

We know what you think. AMA bibliography is not a thing you can get easy. What is easy is to forget about something important. Of course, you don’t want to get a bad grade or to spoil your academic reputation.

AMA In-Text Citation With Missing Information

Many people are searching for an ama citation generator because they don’t know what to do with references that miss information. For example, an author, part of the title, or publishing date. Fortunately, ama in-text citation is rather flexible and allows to omit the information that is not present. The only requirement is to provide enough information and let the readers find the source you are referring to. If the author is absent, you can start with a title. That’s how flexible in-text ama citation is.

However, to remain on the safe side, we still recommend using secure citing generators. With the help of our citation maker ama is easy and you know if you are doing everything correctly. Even if the information is missing or you think that the readers won’t understand what source you are referring to. 

AMA Citation Maker – Main Tips

Above we have discussed almost everything you should know about ama in-text citation and other elements of this popular and demanding style. However, there are a few guidelines that you should keep in mind in order to succeed. We have summed them up for you:

  • To cite the sources in order of their appearance, use Arabic numbers
  • Apply the same numbers when creating the list of references
  • Use a reliable ama format citation generator not to miss anything
  • Use commas and periods inside the number and colons (semicolons) – outside
  • In the reference list, last names go first
  • Only the first title word is capitalized
  • Journal names should be italicized
  • To abbreviate newspapers, magazines, and journals correctly, search their titles via PubMed
  • If the author is unknown, begin with a title 
  • If there are more than six authors, indicate the first three + et al

We know that AMA might not be that easy, especially considering how many rules and changes there are. But you will surely succeed with the help of these guidelines. If you have any questions left, don’t hesitate to use our free ama citation generator. With its help, you won’t miss a single detail and will be able to create a text that meets all the requirements. If you have any questions left, feel free to send us a message! We are always there to help.