Free Bluebook Citation Generator

When working on different types of assignments and papers, people may come across various challenges. They concern not only with the content but also with researching, structuring, and formatting. If you are a law professional or somehow related to the field, Bluebook might be a big concern.

Referencing and in-text bluebook citation has lots of peculiarities that are often changed. That is why you should remain at the forefront and regularly check new editions or guidelines. But what should one do if there’s a lack of time? The answer is simple: to use a bluebook in-text citation generator.

On our website, you are introduced to a top-notch bluebook citation maker that provides outstanding results. Our online bluebook citation generator is fast and accurate, and you can forget about long hours trying to understand how to cite or refer to a particular source. Below we will tell you more about our software and the formatting style itself. 

Bluebook In-Text Citation Generator: Format Definition

Before we discuss the best legal bluebook citation generator, let us provide you with the main information about this style. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a system that applies to legal citation and is widely used among law professionals across the US. It is put together by experts from three leading institutions: Harvard, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania.

If you are a law student, scholar, or judge, be ready to face this citing system quite often. And don’t be surprised if your fellow student or colleague says that they are using a bluebook in-text citation generator. It has lots of advantages and no disadvantages at all. But make sure to choose the best software because it directly impacts the outcome. With our bluebook citation maker, you have nothing to worry about!

Why use Bluebook Law Citation

Visit the bluebook citation website to find out more about that system and check how to use it. Anyways, if you are a law student or a representative of the legal field (scholar, lawyer, judge, etc.), you are obliged to stick to that formatting style. 

The Bluebook supports various sources, such as Supreme Court cases, statutes, and legal cases. The formatting method will depend on the type of source you cite. For example:

  • If you site a case, include its name, the sources to find it, a court and jurisdiction along with the decision year/date in parenthetical; also mention the case history and prior history;

The factors influencing the Bluebook format are:

  • Whether the case is filed but not decided;
  • Whether the interim order is published or not. 

Please note that creating bluebook references is much easier with the bluebook citation machine:

  • it saves your valuable time;
  • reduces the level of stress when working on your paper;
  • not only fast but easy;
  • the best way to be sure you cite correctly and avoid mistakes.

Bluebook Citation Generator – Style Peculiarities

The Bluebook supports lots of sources including statutes and legal cases. And our bluebook format citation generator covers all of them! The way you format a citation significantly depends on the source.

For example, a citation of the sample case should include its name, published sources, the court and jurisdiction, date/year of decision, and case history. There may also be additional background information if it is important for the case. 

When our bluebook in-text citation generator works on formatting, it considers lots of factors, including:

  • Filed but not decided
  • Several authors
  • Absent jurisdiction
  • Unpublished interim order, and so on.

If you are interested in these details and want to boost your in-text citation bluebook skills, get familiar with the official 19th Edition of the Bluebook. Or contact your lecturer. But if you don’t want to go elsewhere, just read further and get familiar with bluebook in-text citation examples provided by our experts.

How a Bluebook Generator Can Help

If you struggle with your Bluebook references, use a legal citation machine. It has a range of benefits. One of the main advantages is that you save tons of time. Citing is a very time-consuming process. It is also an extensive work. Paying attention to the details is a must.

When using a citation machine bluebook, you don’t have to do all that. First of all, you save most of your time and do not have to double-check and proofread everything. The machine does everything automatically. You need to choose the referencing system.

Since citing requires paying a lot of attention to the details, it takes a lot of time and nerves to do it properly. Using a generator significantly reduces the process and allows you to submit the paper on time with proper references. 

In-Text Citation Bluebook and Other References

Let us start with the bluebook in-text citation. It should be placed after the reference or quote and look as follows: Author’s first name and surname, title, pages (publication year).

If you need to insert a journal in-text citation bluebook formatting looks as follows:  Author’s name, Title, Volume, Pages (publication year), URL (if it is an online journal) (access date).

Example: ‘the movement impacts the most vulnerable layers of society who don’t have access to accurate and credible information’ Marry J. Bridge, Alternative Methods: how to cure the society?, Minnesota Law Review 57 (2010).

Those who need a movie/film review will get the following result in our bluebook citation generator: title, (publication year). For example The Devil’s Law, (1987).

Citing an online picture or video using this style should follow the next pattern: Author’s name, Title (publication year), link (last visited).

Example: Via Facebook Jennifer Moran photographer, Modern female judge, http://jennifermoran/modern-female-judge/ (last visited March 11, 2019).

In case you need to cite a website in this style, in-text citations should look as follows: Author’s name, title (publication year), URL (last visited).

Example: McMillan, A new pattern of studies (2013), (last visited February 20, 2013). 

More and more researchers and students need to cite a blog, and there are specific rules regarding this source of information: Author’s name, Title (publication year), URL (last visited).

Example: Modern technologies that can change the legal system for good, (2020), (last visited October 29, 20018).

Very often, authors should cite a court case, and here’s how you need to do it: Title, Volume Document Title, Pages Used (Publication year)

Dictionary entry citation has a rather similar pattern: Author’s name, Title, Publication Title, Pages (publication year), URL (last visited).

For example Serena Stevenson, Society, Oxford dictionary (3 edition 2013), (last visited January 18, 2014).

If you need to cite a PDF file or an e-book, follow these recommendations: Author’s name, title, pages (publication year), URL (last visited).

For example, Dimitris Miles & Michell Fall, How to create original content: a guideline for the US students. 7,10 (2 ed. 2011), (last visited June 2, 2011).

There are a bit different rules regarding edited books. Here is the common template: title, used pages (Author’s name Publication year)

For example, Our life as it is, (5.19.89) (Ann Raising 2 ed. 2019).

Even though citing an email is not that common, more and more people start citing them. Especially if you are already a law professional and not a general student. Use the template below to cite an email in the Bluebook format: Author’s name, Title (publication year).

For example Paul Lopez, Solar Panels SP – 11 Price (2001).

Finally, there are specific guidelines on citing Encyclopedia. And let us remind you that these sources are usually the most credible ones. Just make sure that the version is updated.

Here’s a template for using: Author’s name, Title Publication Pages (publication year).

For example Paul Edwards, Ryle The Philosophy Encyclopedia (8 ed. 1987).

A Perfect Bluebook Citation Maker

As you see from the examples above, it may be quite difficult to do the formatting on your own. Especially if there are lots of different sources involved. However, with our bluebook citation generator, everything becomes simpler. You simply upload a link and get a perfectly formatted source. Isn’t it a dream coming true?

Our website is convenient and easy to use. This means that you don’t have to be a tech specialist or an experienced computer user to understand how everything works. Actually, the process takes no more than a few seconds! Thus, you won’t waste any time trying to master our software. We are here to do everything instead of you.

With the help of our citation generator bluebook formatting is easy and quick, so you can enjoy the things that you love without a need to waste long hours. Spend your free time the way you want and let our bluebook legal citation generator do the rest!

How to Succeed With Bluebook Citing Generator

As you can see, automatic tools can help you create citations properly and save a lot of precious time. Bluebook case citation is not that easy and requires enough attention and effort. Doing it carelessly is not wise. After using such a tool, spend some time to check the citations. They may contain certain shortcomings, so improving them is your duty. If you want to succeed with your paper in law studies, it’s necessary to be attentive and never procrastinate. 

Procrastination is the enemy of each student and even professional. Do everything on time. If you feel like you lack the time or special knowledge, you can always apply for writing experts’ help.